What is a text area?. To enable you to understand what that text area, please divert your attention to the right column of the screen, under the heading Want tuker link, there is a box that contains text in HTML code, that is what in a text area. Well by looking at examples, then we can say that the Text area is the area or place to store the text or writings by forming a new area. Usually this text area used to store the HTML code or other text to be copied by the visitors.To create a text area, please copy the code below:
For example :
<p align="center"><textarea name="code" rows="6" cols="20"> create
text or code you want here, then your article will appear later in the text area </textarea></p>
For example :
Description: rows = "6", shows the height of the text area, so if you want the text area to high then please replace the number "6 were the numbers that higher value.
Cols = "20", shows the width of the text area. If you want the text area width then please replace the number "20" was the figure higher value.
Text Area with wearing Highlight
There are other variations of this makes the text area, namely the text area by using the key highlight. with the key highlights of this will make it easier for visitors to copy the entire text or code that is given, because with only one press only on the highlight button above, then the entire text or code in it will be in the highlights and live in copy only. This facility is very useful when the text or code that is given Dalan number of very many and this will reduce the risk tertinggalnya a text or code to be copied. To create a text area using this highlights please copy the HTML code below:
<div><form name="copy"><div align="center"><input onclick="javascript:this.form.txt.focus();this.form.txt.select();" type="button" value="Highlight All"> </div><div align="center"></div><p align="center"><textarea style="WIDTH: 300px; HEIGHT: 144px" name="txt" rows="100" wrap="VIRTUAL" cols="55">simpan tulisan anda di sini, maka tulisan yang anda tulis akan muncul di sini dan siap di copy oleh para pengunjung</textarea></p></div></form>
For example :
That you better understand the code above, I will describe a little. The above code has two elements, namely elements of the code to make the button labeled Highlight All, and the second is a code element to create a text area.
All highlight key elements:
1. <div -> said the center shows that the position will be key in the middle, so if you want to position the button located at the edge of the left, just replace the word left. And if you want to be on the edge of the right, just replace the word right.
2. <input onclick="javascript:this.form.txt.focus();this.form.txt.selec()"> -> This code means that when the highlight button is clicked, then the entire text is in it will be in highligt (the mark or in block), so you do not alter this paper.
3. Value = "Highlight All" -> Highlight All words are words that will appear in the button, so if you want to change this text please replace the word you want.
Element text area:
1. <p align="center"> -> This shows that the text area will be in the middle, well if you want the text area you are in the left edge, replace the word center with left, if you want at the right edge, replace the word right .
2. <text style="WIDTH: 300px"> -> the word "WIDTH: 300px" shows the width of the text area of 300 pixels, so if you want to shorten or extend the width of the text area, you just replace it with the number you want. eg: "WIDTH: 700px;"
3. HEIGHT: 144px -> number "144px" indicates that the text area will have a height of 144 px, so if you want to change lives change that number with the number you want. For example: HEIGHT: 160px.
Sample text area using button highlighted above, contain scripts to protect from the right click on the visitors. scripts are in use if you do not want your writings in the copy and paste by visitors. for interested please copy and insert in your HTML code between the code <HEAD> and </ HEAD> good luck.