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Learning to Install Windows XP

Before you can use your computer, your computer must be installed operating systemfirst. For example Windows XP or Linux or another OS.Here are step-by-step installation of Windows XP Professional ServiceUsing Clean Install ways:1. Change First boot your computer through the Windows XP CDTo set the First boot settings on your computer through the CD drive thenwe must go into the BIOS menu first. The trick Restart your computerthen press the delete button (on keyboard) until the BIOS menu appearslike the picture below.Each computer has its own BIOS exposure. So, what youThis view may berbeza from your computer. However, the concept and principle remainsame.

2. Next select Boot and choose CD-ROM drive and then press ENTERthen press F10 to save BIOS settings that you have fox.

3. Next will show the process of loading the file. Wait until the process is complete

4. "Welcome to Setup" exposed. Press ENTER to install Windows XP first.
5. "Windows XP Licensing Agreement. Press F8 to continue.

6. Determine who will use the Windows partition.

In the picture above Unpartitiened 4095 MB space mean size / memoryavailable to make the partition of 4095 MB or 4 GB. So if wecreate two partitions then we must divide the available size in half,In the distribution of partition sizes do not need to be comparable.For example, we created a single partition. The way we press the C key on the keyboard thendisplay will appear as belowBecause only create one partition then just press ENTER.
7. Then the following display will appearPartitions used for the Operating System that is usually the C partition, Okayjust press ENTER to install Windows.

8. Then select Format the partition using the NTFS file system (Quick) orFormat the partition using the options using the NTFS file system,difference if we use the Format the partition using the NTFS filesystem (Quick) faster than Format the partition using the NTFS filesystem. If the partition is still there is data, then do backupsOther andapartisi data before you perform this step.

9. Next will show the process of formatting the file. Wait until this processcompleted.The format must be done carefully, because if you choose the wrongpartitions, the data on that partition will be lost. Highly recommended foruse a UPS when doing format the partition, because if the electricityextinguished when the format take place, it can cause damage toyour hard disk.

10. After formatting is complete, the next system will copy Windows files toHard drive. Wait a while until the process is complete.

11. After the above process is completed, then the system will restart. If at the timeboot prompt appears to boot from CD / DVD, then let
Just, do not press any button on the keyboard.

12. Install process will continue automatically.

13. Determine Regional and language used, click Customize

14. Fill a standard format that will be used and select a location. Then click  OK.

15. Then click 

16. Fill in your name and organization of data, and then click Next

17. The contents of the product key (produck key) contained in the Windows package, then click Next.

18. Then click Next.

19. Determine the time (Time Zone). Indonesia has the Time Zone DataGMT 7. Then click Next.

20. Next, wait while the Install process enters its final stage.

21. The system will restart by itself.

22. The first time Windows XP to earnestly, screen resolution, you will be changedfollow suitability. Click OK.

23. Then click Next.

24. Next select Not right now, and then click Next.

25. Windows will try to impress your Internet connection. You mayleave this step by clicking on Skip.

26. Next select No, Remind me every Few days, and then click Next.

27. Fill in the name of your computer. Next click Next.

28. Then click Finish.

29. Currently, Windows XP has been install on your computer.
After Windows is finished di_Install, the next step is; ah-install filehardware driver files (hardware) installed / connected in the computer,
such as VGA cards, modems, TV cards, printers, scanners, and others. In somehardware that is supported Windows XP, the drivers will automatically be installedmanually

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