According to reliable data, snoring suffered by one out of five adults. The cause of snoring vary. Could be due to anatomical abnormalities of the nose (septum deviation), the blockage by polyps, or allergies that causes mucus membranes swell so the patient must breathe through the mouth. Snoring can also be experienced by children, and usually due to enlarged tonsils and adenoids in the back of the nose. What is clear, it indicates the occurrence of snoring is obstruction in the respiratory tract when a person is sleeping. The sound of snoring coming from the air effort to bypass the narrowed air channel it.
As for the process, during sleep, muscle-including respiratory muscles, become more relaxed than when awake. In some people the situation is not a problem. But in some people, especially the elderly, the muscles relax making airway narrowing and lead to blockage.
The above conditions is exacerbated if the patient again in supine sleeping position, so the tongue falls back limp. So such a blockage occurs bottle neck. Vibration due to air turbulence in the soft part of the pharynx because of the negative pressure in the way of breathing during sleep that appear as snoring.
As an illustration, in the United States is estimated 10-30% of adults snore. Of that amount, 5% of U.S. residents have the habit of loud snoring during sleep indicates that there are serious health problems. Most of the 5% of the population were male sex, age over 40 years, and have excess weight.
Impaired concentration and a tendency to be forgetful is due to low quality and quantity of sleep. Behavioral changes such as irritability, angry, aggressive, suspicious, anxious, and depression often accompanies chronic sleep disorders.
Based on the above, to say the snoring is an important indication of the existence of breathing disorders during sleep.
Treatment can still be pursued. The first step of course is finding out what the cause. For that you can consult with a physician. If it is a result of the tonsils, can be treated with surgery. Meanwhile, if it's because the problem of obesity, the weight loss of 10% was to relieve your breathing during sleep. This is shown by the frequency of stoppage of breath is less and less, sleep more soundly and reduced sleepiness during the day. It is recommended that the snorer does not consume alcoholic beverages despite low levels, especially the two hours before bedtime.
Alcohol breath press center in the brain, so that the more severe snoring. Sleeping pills also result as bad as alcohol for the snorer. While drugs for relieving anxiety, headache or flu is often found to interfere with breathing during sleep.
If the stoppage of breath caused by smoking or allergies, then quit smoking or keep out allergens. If snoring is only due to the closed road pernafasa by the tongue relaxes and falls back, then adjust your sleeping position (imitate the way the Prophet slept the position of the body tilted to the right). Do not sleep on their backs because it will cause a limp tongue fall backwards.
Lately a lot to offer the products to counteract the snoring of a 'foreign drugs' such as pillows worth hundreds of thousands of drug-and swallow. Drug swallow the latter is said to be imported from the U.S., although made of natural materials, but must be careful usage.
Most importantly, you need to find the cause of snoring. Is it because of blockage of the airways due to sleeping position, or because of other things. There should also note that drugs have side effects or not.
Moreover, in taking it, need to be asked for a more effective way of life. It is said that drugs that are included in this new category of food supplement effective when consumed 30-60 minutes at bedtime. For people with weight below 55 kg, enough to swallow a pill a day. However, for a weight of 55 kg, need 2 pills a day. The impact of the pill will be visible after 14-21 days eaten. Highly recommended to stay away from fatty foods approximately 4 hours before bedtime.
So if your parents snore, does that kind of first detection of mild or severe. After that just try to look at the symptoms dab healing steps. We recommend that you consult with your doctor to obtain the best solution.
So ... from the statement above we can conclude that the way to reduce snoring sleep are as follows:
Snoring occurs because of our airway obstruction, linked by the tongue (especially in the elderly, the tongue often fell because his muscles are weak start.)
The principle is to prevent the collapse of the tongue overcome them down: - SIDE SLEEPER - Do not use the pillow is too high in the head, if necessary, use a pillow on his shoulder, so that the position of our head a little gaze upward.
Hopefully useful.
Secrets of sleep snoring and tips on how to eliminate
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