Mount Merapi in Central Java-Yogyakarta border continues to increase activity. Peak, the flames with a thick column of smoke billowing into the sky at 1.5 Km.
Center of Investigation and Technology Development Kegunungapian (BPPTK) released a chronology of the eruption of Mount Merapi after observing the activities of Mount Merapi on a regular basis. BPPTK to place four seismographs in four different points to monitor the volcanic activity of Mount Merapi.
Culminating activity of Mount Merapi began at 17.00 pm, Tuesday (26/10/2010). Mount Merapi began to remove the cloud of heat.
"At 17:30 pm, 18:30 pm, the fog was getting dark, four seismograph still recorded a very big vibration. Officials said there 3 times and glide pyroclastic eruptions and the possibility of explosive spread in all directions," said Head of Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Surono, told AFP on Wednesday (27/10/2010).
Immediately after the eruption, BPPTK officer directly down from the slopes of Merapi to save themselves. Officers immediately contact duty officer at the post below for evacuating residents.
"The officer also contacted the officers in some places, to be forced evacuation for residents. Sirens sounded in different places. The radio network began very Crowded HT, as well as phone network in post," said Surono.
Furthermore, Surono said, the officer BPPTK join the evacuation. BPPTK officers just returned to the post after Merapi activity gradually returned to normal.
"At 19:00 pm, officials at the observation posts of the slopes of Merapi ride back to their posts. Rain gravel and ash began to be reported by the monitoring stations, particularly in the area southwest of Merapi. The smell of sulfur can also be kissed from around the slopes," said Surono .
Currently, according to Surono, the volcanic activity gradually to normal. BPPTK officers began monitoring the activities of Mount Merapi again.
"Merapi activity is monitored from the seismograph, continued to tend down, even normally calm stable, although a few times sometimes happen glowing material," added Surono.
While residents who live on the slopes of Mount Merapi were evacuated to the Village Hall Umbulharjo, Cangkringan, Sleman, last night.
The eruption occurred at 17:03 pm and was followed out hot clouds continuously. Based on these events, Centre for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (PVMBG), Geological Agency, and Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources declared Mount Merapi has erupted. In fact, Head PVMBG Surono ensure that the eruption at 17:02 pm greater than the three eruptions that occurred previously. "This is an explosive eruption times and larger than the three previous eruptions," said Surono in Yogyakarta kemarin.Karena amount of energy released, at 18.00 pm there was an eruption three times the sound of the whole observatories and PGM Pos Pos PGM in Selo, Boyolali District , followed by smoke billowing as high as 1.5 kilometers heading south.
Until last night Merapi eruption reportedly claimed about 14 lives. Of these 11 of them found in and around the residence Interpreter Lock Mount Merapi, Mbah Maridjan, in the hamlet of Kinahrejo, Umbulharjo, Cangkringan, Sleman. While three others died in hospital. Volunteer social communication channels with Giyanto confirmed the discovery of 11 victims died of news around the residence Mbah Maridjan. They died from heat clouds swept the eruption of Mount Merapi. Giyanto could not be confirmed in detail about the data because he was preoccupied with the death toll by the evacuation process.
Until this news was revealed the bodies could not be evacuated because the point about the location of the discovery of corpses and filled with fallen trees damaged by the eruption of Merapi. The identity of the dead is known as an online media journalist, VIVAnews, Jakarta, Yuniawan W Nugroho; others is unclear. The presence of Mbah Maridjan still mysterious, but certainly he's not including 11 people killed. Even last night it was rumored that mentions the title character R Ng Surakso Hargo survived. As is known, Mbah Maridjan chose not to evacuate, although she asked residents in the Region III Disaster obey government instructions to immediately evacuate.
Mbah Maridjan explained, he did not want to evacuate more residents fear will one responded, so they kecele. Yogyakarta Governor Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono (HB) X represents a number of citizens who are trapped in Kinahrejo attempted to be evacuated. "Emergency response in this disaster will be handled by provincial and district governments," said Raja Sultan Palace this. Previously, PVMBG been sounding the siren as a sign of Merapi erupts, and a warning to residents in disaster-prone areas (KRB) III to immediately clear the area leading to the refugee camps. Sirens danger in Kaliurang, Sleman, rang at 17:57 pm and at 18:05 pm Central Kegunungapian Investigation and Technology Development (BPPTK) Yogyakarta withdraw all personnel from the post PGM.
Merapi eruption also caused the volcanic ash which flushed the area around Merapi. As residents felt Muntilan, Magelang District, accompanied by a small pebble ash rain occurred at around 19:00 WIB.Akibat ash rain, the people who go out must wear headscarves and masks to cover nose. Head of Disaster Management Bakesbang PB Magelang regency Heri Prawoto explained that volcanic ash reached a radius of 40 kilometers, to the County Waterford. The eruption of Merapi in cash to make people panic. In fact, because it's too late to flee, some residents have become victims.
One of the dead were children aged 6 months, Ilham Azza, who died after his family late to evacuate. Child pairs and Romlah Sriyanto, residents Gedangan Hamlet, Village Ngargosoko, Srumbung District, Magelang District, died of shortness of breath. In hospitals Muntilan as many as 21 residents had to undergo treatment because of suffering from respiratory problems. They do not wear a mask when dust rain down pretty thick. Acting Hospital Director Dr. Saso mentions Muntilan, volcanic ash down pretty thick and sulfur containing substances that can cause respiratory illness. Two residents Umbulharjo, District Cangkringan, Sleman, respectively Pujo, 45 and Walijan, 40, also must be treated at this hospital in Yogyakarta.
Two neighboring gatekeeper of Mount Merapi, Mbah Marijan suffered very serious burns result from exposure to heat clouds. For information, their village is only about 1.5 kilometers from the peak of Merapi. Since the activity status of Merapi was raised to alert on Monday (25/10), Center of Investigation and Technology Development Kegunungapian (BPPTK) Yogyakarta has asked residents to evacuate immediately, especially those living around Merapi kilometers from the summit or in areas prone to disasters (KRB) Merapi III . The area is located very close to the source of danger, such as hot clouds, lava flows, rock avalanches, and the burst of incandescent rock, both in the region of Central Java (Klaten, Boyolali, and Magelang) and in the region of Yogyakarta (Sleman). However, most most citizens ignored the instructions and choose to stay at home.
To minimize casualties, a joint team from Search and Rescue, Disaster Response (Tagana), Indonesian National Army (TNI) and Indonesian Red Cross (PMI), yesterday conducting searches, including the number of villages in the district Cangkringan, Pakem, and Sub Turi, Sleman. However, evacuation is carried out new rescuers could reach the gate area attractions Kaliurang, or 10 kilometers from the summit Merapi.Artinya, KRB III can not be penetrated by officers of the rescuers.
Eight Clouds Heat Release
According to monitoring in the Central Investigation and Technology Development Kegunungapian (BPPTK) Yogyakarta, was eight times the heat clouds glide which starts at 17:02 pm for nine minutes, then place the second heat clouds glide for four minutes at 17:18 pm. The third heat cloud struck at 17:23 pm for five minutes, at 17.30 pm for two minutes, 17:37 am for two minutes, and greater heat clouds for 33 minutes occurred at 17:42 pm. At 18:16 pm re-emerging cloud seventh heat for five minutes and followed by a large heat clouds at 18:21 pm for 33 minutes.
From the Observation Post Selo visible flames and columns of smoke as high as 1.5 kilometers (km) from the peak of Merapi. Hot clouds glide leads into the southwest side, west, south and southeast. 18:00 to 18:45 pm At the sound of thunder is observed from Observation Post Selo whole observatories and three times with a sound boom that is on at 18:10 pm, 18:15 pm, and 18.25 WIB.Aktivitas Mount Merapi began to subside at 18:54 pm. "We have yet to mention that the Merapi crisis has subsided. Still have to wait developments, "said Surono. However, he can not ensure that there is a new lava dome formation because weather conditions are still unfavorable and dark so it is not possible to make observations perfectly.
"All the officers observation post had also been drawn, so that no important dulu.Yang victim is secure society that has survived. Do not try to always go up to save people who are still stuck on top, "he said.
Center of Investigation and Technology Development Kegunungapian (BPPTK) released a chronology of the eruption of Mount Merapi after observing the activities of Mount Merapi on a regular basis. BPPTK to place four seismographs in four different points to monitor the volcanic activity of Mount Merapi.
Culminating activity of Mount Merapi began at 17.00 pm, Tuesday (26/10/2010). Mount Merapi began to remove the cloud of heat.
"At 17:30 pm, 18:30 pm, the fog was getting dark, four seismograph still recorded a very big vibration. Officials said there 3 times and glide pyroclastic eruptions and the possibility of explosive spread in all directions," said Head of Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Surono, told AFP on Wednesday (27/10/2010).
Immediately after the eruption, BPPTK officer directly down from the slopes of Merapi to save themselves. Officers immediately contact duty officer at the post below for evacuating residents.
"The officer also contacted the officers in some places, to be forced evacuation for residents. Sirens sounded in different places. The radio network began very Crowded HT, as well as phone network in post," said Surono.
Furthermore, Surono said, the officer BPPTK join the evacuation. BPPTK officers just returned to the post after Merapi activity gradually returned to normal.
"At 19:00 pm, officials at the observation posts of the slopes of Merapi ride back to their posts. Rain gravel and ash began to be reported by the monitoring stations, particularly in the area southwest of Merapi. The smell of sulfur can also be kissed from around the slopes," said Surono .
Currently, according to Surono, the volcanic activity gradually to normal. BPPTK officers began monitoring the activities of Mount Merapi again.
"Merapi activity is monitored from the seismograph, continued to tend down, even normally calm stable, although a few times sometimes happen glowing material," added Surono.
While residents who live on the slopes of Mount Merapi were evacuated to the Village Hall Umbulharjo, Cangkringan, Sleman, last night.
The eruption occurred at 17:03 pm and was followed out hot clouds continuously. Based on these events, Centre for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (PVMBG), Geological Agency, and Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources declared Mount Merapi has erupted. In fact, Head PVMBG Surono ensure that the eruption at 17:02 pm greater than the three eruptions that occurred previously. "This is an explosive eruption times and larger than the three previous eruptions," said Surono in Yogyakarta kemarin.Karena amount of energy released, at 18.00 pm there was an eruption three times the sound of the whole observatories and PGM Pos Pos PGM in Selo, Boyolali District , followed by smoke billowing as high as 1.5 kilometers heading south.
Until last night Merapi eruption reportedly claimed about 14 lives. Of these 11 of them found in and around the residence Interpreter Lock Mount Merapi, Mbah Maridjan, in the hamlet of Kinahrejo, Umbulharjo, Cangkringan, Sleman. While three others died in hospital. Volunteer social communication channels with Giyanto confirmed the discovery of 11 victims died of news around the residence Mbah Maridjan. They died from heat clouds swept the eruption of Mount Merapi. Giyanto could not be confirmed in detail about the data because he was preoccupied with the death toll by the evacuation process.
Until this news was revealed the bodies could not be evacuated because the point about the location of the discovery of corpses and filled with fallen trees damaged by the eruption of Merapi. The identity of the dead is known as an online media journalist, VIVAnews, Jakarta, Yuniawan W Nugroho; others is unclear. The presence of Mbah Maridjan still mysterious, but certainly he's not including 11 people killed. Even last night it was rumored that mentions the title character R Ng Surakso Hargo survived. As is known, Mbah Maridjan chose not to evacuate, although she asked residents in the Region III Disaster obey government instructions to immediately evacuate.
Mbah Maridjan explained, he did not want to evacuate more residents fear will one responded, so they kecele. Yogyakarta Governor Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono (HB) X represents a number of citizens who are trapped in Kinahrejo attempted to be evacuated. "Emergency response in this disaster will be handled by provincial and district governments," said Raja Sultan Palace this. Previously, PVMBG been sounding the siren as a sign of Merapi erupts, and a warning to residents in disaster-prone areas (KRB) III to immediately clear the area leading to the refugee camps. Sirens danger in Kaliurang, Sleman, rang at 17:57 pm and at 18:05 pm Central Kegunungapian Investigation and Technology Development (BPPTK) Yogyakarta withdraw all personnel from the post PGM.
Merapi eruption also caused the volcanic ash which flushed the area around Merapi. As residents felt Muntilan, Magelang District, accompanied by a small pebble ash rain occurred at around 19:00 WIB.Akibat ash rain, the people who go out must wear headscarves and masks to cover nose. Head of Disaster Management Bakesbang PB Magelang regency Heri Prawoto explained that volcanic ash reached a radius of 40 kilometers, to the County Waterford. The eruption of Merapi in cash to make people panic. In fact, because it's too late to flee, some residents have become victims.
One of the dead were children aged 6 months, Ilham Azza, who died after his family late to evacuate. Child pairs and Romlah Sriyanto, residents Gedangan Hamlet, Village Ngargosoko, Srumbung District, Magelang District, died of shortness of breath. In hospitals Muntilan as many as 21 residents had to undergo treatment because of suffering from respiratory problems. They do not wear a mask when dust rain down pretty thick. Acting Hospital Director Dr. Saso mentions Muntilan, volcanic ash down pretty thick and sulfur containing substances that can cause respiratory illness. Two residents Umbulharjo, District Cangkringan, Sleman, respectively Pujo, 45 and Walijan, 40, also must be treated at this hospital in Yogyakarta.
Two neighboring gatekeeper of Mount Merapi, Mbah Marijan suffered very serious burns result from exposure to heat clouds. For information, their village is only about 1.5 kilometers from the peak of Merapi. Since the activity status of Merapi was raised to alert on Monday (25/10), Center of Investigation and Technology Development Kegunungapian (BPPTK) Yogyakarta has asked residents to evacuate immediately, especially those living around Merapi kilometers from the summit or in areas prone to disasters (KRB) Merapi III . The area is located very close to the source of danger, such as hot clouds, lava flows, rock avalanches, and the burst of incandescent rock, both in the region of Central Java (Klaten, Boyolali, and Magelang) and in the region of Yogyakarta (Sleman). However, most most citizens ignored the instructions and choose to stay at home.
To minimize casualties, a joint team from Search and Rescue, Disaster Response (Tagana), Indonesian National Army (TNI) and Indonesian Red Cross (PMI), yesterday conducting searches, including the number of villages in the district Cangkringan, Pakem, and Sub Turi, Sleman. However, evacuation is carried out new rescuers could reach the gate area attractions Kaliurang, or 10 kilometers from the summit Merapi.Artinya, KRB III can not be penetrated by officers of the rescuers.
Eight Clouds Heat Release
According to monitoring in the Central Investigation and Technology Development Kegunungapian (BPPTK) Yogyakarta, was eight times the heat clouds glide which starts at 17:02 pm for nine minutes, then place the second heat clouds glide for four minutes at 17:18 pm. The third heat cloud struck at 17:23 pm for five minutes, at 17.30 pm for two minutes, 17:37 am for two minutes, and greater heat clouds for 33 minutes occurred at 17:42 pm. At 18:16 pm re-emerging cloud seventh heat for five minutes and followed by a large heat clouds at 18:21 pm for 33 minutes.
From the Observation Post Selo visible flames and columns of smoke as high as 1.5 kilometers (km) from the peak of Merapi. Hot clouds glide leads into the southwest side, west, south and southeast. 18:00 to 18:45 pm At the sound of thunder is observed from Observation Post Selo whole observatories and three times with a sound boom that is on at 18:10 pm, 18:15 pm, and 18.25 WIB.Aktivitas Mount Merapi began to subside at 18:54 pm. "We have yet to mention that the Merapi crisis has subsided. Still have to wait developments, "said Surono. However, he can not ensure that there is a new lava dome formation because weather conditions are still unfavorable and dark so it is not possible to make observations perfectly.
"All the officers observation post had also been drawn, so that no important dulu.Yang victim is secure society that has survived. Do not try to always go up to save people who are still stuck on top, "he said.