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List of Free Linux/Unix Shell Account Providers

A Unix shell or Linux console is a personal account which allows users access to a command prompt on another machine. We mentioned those earlier in our Post about Linux Commands , With these accounts you can login to a remote server and execute commands on it. These accounts are normally accessed via SSH. Historically we used telnet for that but now telnet is fast becoming obsolete due to security concerns. These free shell accounts can be used to practice your Linux / Unix skills as well as making most out of IRC, Email, web hosting etc. Geek Sells Free Shells On Sea Shore

The free Unix shell accounts listed below are all provided by not for profit organizations. The existence of these non-profit organizations is vital for Internet community.So it is not good to bring them down. (you know what I am talking about).

http://freeshell.org , http://sdf-eu.or

Server & services:
- two T3s lines
- SIGs, Music Compilations and Membership activities
- 10+ DEC Alphas (DS20L/DS10L) running NetBSD

- Supporter of the NetBSD project and The Computer History Museum in Mountain View California
- Members vote in new features
- Member contributed programs and tutorials
- 80MB (free), 600MB and 800MB disk quotas
- Membership perks (such as free admission to the Computer History Museum)

- User configurable email greylisting feature
- Partnership with Colleges world wide for free, in most cases, remote learning
- DSL as well 16,000+ Dialup access (PPP or SHELL) numbers in the USA and Canada
- IRC access to free users on Saturdays and Sundays
- motd.org project – user authored and maintained blogs, photo galleries, forums and more.
- VPN with IP4 assignment in our Class C.


Server: OpenBSD
Services: email, lynx, personal webspace, compile C programs… (quota: 1Mb)


Services: email, ftp, telnet, lynx, personal webspace of 100K


Server: FreeBSD
Services: email, pop3, lynx, personal webspace, compile C programs (quota: 500kb)


Services:email,pop3,ssh,irc,ftp,web space (quota: 1Mb)

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