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Memorial day "Sumpah Pemuda" in solo attended the vice president Budiono

Resort City Police (Police) Solo will deploy some 1,500 security personnel to visit the Vice President (VP) Boediono to Solo in a series of warnings Youth Pledge day Thursday (28/10). Some personnel, according to Nana Sudjana Kapolresta Solo Sr., focused action in anticipation of possible demonstrations during the visit of Vice President. Answering reporters on the sidelines of preparatory visit of Vice President of coordination meetings, at City Hall Solo, Monday (25/10), Police Chief Nana Sudjana admitted until now it has not yet received the report and rallies during the visit of Vice President to Solo.
"Until now, no party who filed a license to hold demonstrations," he explained, adding that despite that precaution is still being done according to procedure. While the personnel who will be involved in security in among them consisted of himself plus Solo Police personnel from the Central Java Regional Police (Polda Jateng), and the Mobile Brigade. In addition, the City Government (City Government) Solo also will deploy the ranks of Public Protection (Community Protection) to help security. The plan, the memorial day of the Youth Pledge in 2010 was centered in Solo, attended by a number of high officials. Even the original President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) is scheduled to attend the event, but during the coordination meeting held at City Hall Solo, Monday (25/10), certainly the President will be represented by vice president. On the other hand, some elements of both students and activists preparing to hold a public rally to welcome the arrival of SBY. When staged to commemorate 1 year SBY's government October 20, they have agreed action that day as a warm-up for massive action that will be held Thursday (28/10).

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