Blogging is now an integral mode of communication in the online world. People not only interact with each other, but also share views, experiences, news, stories and many other such things. Now, not only is blogging a mode of communication, it can also be used as a source to earn money albeit the hard way. In this digital age, with the internet being a giant world, getting your blog to be on the top searches as well as getting it to earn money is not such an easy job.
Just like every real life business, there has to be lots of hard work, patience, time and resource investment, networks to be created, dedication and determination required. When you have all these with the right stroke of luck, you may get to be earning quite an amount. However, it must not be taken as a light job, because it’s very hard to build viewership and it’s equally hard to maintain those readers. To get you started, here are a few points that you could take into consideration for a successful, money earning blog.
1). A Good Plan
A blog, like a business strategy needs a good plan. You need to figure out, draw out what you would want to share or want people to read about. Look up online market trends and catch that topic that is needed. There are thousands of blogs out there, but what is that one factor that could make your blog stand out? After the initial thought, you need to know the processes of blogging, for example, the domain required, the SEO words required, the keywords, internal how to of a blog and many other such aspects.
2). Get A Good Domain Name
Companies have unique names that can give them the right identification needed. Same is with a blog.
If you have your own domain name for example, then you’re surely on the right track, but setting up a blog using other domains such as or such doesn’t really set you on track. It takes a lot of hardwork to get these blogs up on Google searches.
3). SEO Knowledge
Search Engine Optimization is the process of obtaining keywords that if used will bring the particular article on to top Google searches. It’s very critical that a blogger know what the keywords are and bring it to the best use. You can have an online keyword academy that would require a monthly membership fee and would help you with the needed keywords.
4). Hard Work
When a blog is set up, you need to constantly update and maintain it. A successful blogger is one who posts articles on a daily basis without missing a day. Some people even work to the limit of putting up 20, 30 posts a day. It’s all the hard work that actually counts and it takes years of experience to one day generate money from your blog.
5). Advertisement and Promotion
Whatever you write, it has to be published and promoted. Without the promotion, you will never be able to generate traffic. With a blog setting up a Google Adsense account is also a very important way to earn money.
These steps are just the very basic ways of being able to generate any amount of income from the blog. Technical details are much more in a wide scope and will be talked about later on.