Internet is a place where anybody and anything can turn into scam and fraud anytime. One of the most common problems that internet users face often is the lack of privacy. You can’t rely on any service completely. Your data can be stolen, hacked or leaked out anytime. That’s because a number of programmers are doing “cheat business” on internet and selling your information including videos and photos without your knowledge.
Photos On Internet:
You can hide your photos from the unwanted and stranger contacts on your profile but you can’t hide it from the eyes of internet players. One of the best activities is to watermark your photos to prevent them to be stolen. You can also check your photos if they are available anywhere else on internet and are being without your permission. Following are the few possible ways to find out your photos on internet.
Reverse Image Search:
Let suppose you have uploaded your photos on any photo sharing website and you want to check if anyone has stolen it or using it without your knowledge.
You can find out your photos by a method called “reverse image search”. In this method, a smart search engine search the identical content containing photos within the image itself instead of focusing on file names or meta data that can be changed easily.
This search system might sounds like a sci-fiction movie feature and in reality it is pretty much closer to it. There is a website, Tin where you can carry out reverse image search practice. Upload an image from your computer or indicate the site where you have uploaded your photo. The search system of Tin Eye will give you a list of sites where a copy of your photo exists. The drawback of Tin Eye is that it often only identifies photos having similar content and it does not identify the exact content. Another drawback of Tin Eye is that its data does not work for all images uploaded on internet so if you don’t get the copy of your photo, then it doesn’t mean that your photo isn’t being used anywhere else.
Search for Similar Photos:
You can also find out your photos by searching for similar photos. You can use “Bing” search engine to find similar photos and get the list of re-used photos from it easily. Use the image search option on Bing and check the results. Select your interest of image and then click on show similar images. A complete list of re-used and similar photos will be opened before you.
This way is not flawless and like other ways it also has some flaws. You have to start your image search by giving a right term to Bing and it not guarantees you an accurate result.
In the long and short, there are few methods available on internet by which you can search your photo and find out if they are being used or not. Remember that you can’t get accurate results and the best way to keep your photos is not to upload them on internet.