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Apparently Tetris Help Eliminate Bad Memories

You remember the Block stacking game, Tetris? Apparently, according to research by scientists from Oxford University, this game has another benefit that is able to reduce the bad memories.
The research team found, to play Tetris after the traumatic event can reduce the bad memories. When compared with other games that play Pub Quiz Machine 2000, a game based on the words, the effect of trauma even worse.
In experiments on healthy volunteers, the research team showed gruesome images of a number of sources, including video ads depicting the dangers of drunk driving in conditions.
After waiting for 30 minutes, 20 volunteers played Tetris for 10 minutes, while 20 others play Pub Quiz for 10 minutes. As many as 20 other volunteers were asked to not do anything.
Evidently, those who play the Tetris experience flashbacks of bad memories that are much lower than those who do not do anything. Meanwhile, they are asked to play Pub Quiz game actually experiencing flashbacks are much more frequent.
When the waiting period was extended to 4 hours, those who play the Tetris experience flashbacks are much lower. Even so, in each test, the entire group is still able to remember specific details of the film that aired.
"Playing Tetris can reduce flashback memory type without removing the ability to recall the incident and proved that not all computer games offer a positive side-effects like this,"
"Several other games are even worse effect on people around the handling of traumatic memories,"

The research team believes that recognize the shape and shift the various color blocks in the Tetris compete to use the same communication channels with traumatic memories in the brain. Consequently, the flashbacks from the pictures reduced.
As if playing the game that answers common questions such as the Pub Quiz trigger flashbacks even the bad memories came back. Scientists believe that the verbal-based computer games trigger a visual memory in perceptual channels which then increases the emergence of the bad memory flashbacks.

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