Eddie The Sleepwalking Cannibal 2013 Movie Streaming Free
I really enjoyed this one when I saw it at the Edinburgh International Film Festival: it's consistently funny, and reminiscent of the UK's Shaun of the Dead, except obviously with a Danish-Canadian spin. I'm not going to bore you with a summary of the film, as you can easily find that elsewhere on this page, but I will say that it was well cast, well acted, and very well paced.
Great comedic timing, and a really interesting character dynamic, in that you feel sorry for almost everyone involved; you don't just feel sorry for Eddie, whose cannibalism is almost being taken advantage of by Lars, but also for Lars, who has trouble finding inspiration, and Lesley, who doesn't understand why he's acting so strangely. That makes for a really compelling story, which is wrapped up perfectly at the end. I left the cinema very satisfied, and it's one of my highlights from the whole festival.