Tucker & Dale vs Evil Movie Poster
Plot Summary: Watch Tucker & Dale vs Evil Movie Online Free | Tucker & Dale vs Evil Movie 2011 | Watch Movie Online Free
– “Tucker & Dale vs. Evil” is a hilariously gory, good-spirited
horror comedy, doing for killer rednecks what Shaun of the Deaddid for
zombies. Tucker and Dale are two best friends on vacation at their
dilapidated mountain house, who are mistaken for murderous backwoods
hillbillies by a group of obnoxious, preppy college kids. When one of
the students gets separated from her friends, the boys try to lend a
hand, but as the misunderstanding grows, so does the body count.
– “Tucker & Dale vs. Evil” is a hilariously gory, good-spirited
horror comedy, doing for killer rednecks what Shaun of the Deaddid for
zombies. Tucker and Dale are two best friends on vacation at their
dilapidated mountain house, who are mistaken for murderous backwoods
hillbillies by a group of obnoxious, preppy college kids. When one of
the students gets separated from her friends, the boys try to lend a
hand, but as the misunderstanding grows, so does the body count.
Release Date: September 30, 2011 (limited)
Studio: Magnet Releasing (Magnolia Pictures)
Director: Eli Craig
Screenwriter: Eli Craig, Morgan Jurgenson
Starring: Alan Tudyk, Tyler Labine, Katrina Bowen
Genre: Comedy, Horror
MPAA Rating: R (for bloody horror violence, language and brief nudity)
Official Website: MagnetReleasing.com
Studio: Magnet Releasing (Magnolia Pictures)
Director: Eli Craig
Screenwriter: Eli Craig, Morgan Jurgenson
Starring: Alan Tudyk, Tyler Labine, Katrina Bowen
Genre: Comedy, Horror
MPAA Rating: R (for bloody horror violence, language and brief nudity)
Official Website: MagnetReleasing.com
Tagg: Alan Tudyk • Katrina Bowen • Movie • Tucker & Dale vs Evil Movie 2011 • Tyler Labine • watch movie online free • Watch Movie Streaming Tucker & Dale vs Evil online free • Watch Tucker & Dale vs Evil Movie Online Free