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Watch Full Episode The Bachelorette S07E01 Season 7 Episode 1 Sneek Peek Online

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Watch Online The Bachelorette S07E01 Season 7 Episode 1 Sneek Peek For Free -
It's that time again, scandal fans -- 'The Bachelorette' is back for another summer of love, and though Ashley Herbert isn't touting a title even half as grandiose as "America's Sweetheart" Ali was last year, her prospective bachelors look no less hunky (or nutty) than the last crop, and isn't that what we're all here for? Oh yeah, and that whole "quest for a soulmate" thing, of course.

Watch Online The Bachelorette S07E01 Season 7 Episode 1 Sneek Peek For Free - Our dainty dancing dentist wasn't exactly my favorite of Brad's bachelorettes, but who am I to question the capricious Reality TV Gods? At least the girl wasn't in need of any "intensive therapy" or "soul searching" after Brad kicked her to the curb (if I ever hear the words "changed man" again, it'll be too soon), so she'll hopefully offer us more perkiness and less weeping this time around.

Watch Online The Bachelorette S07E01 Season 7 Episode 1 Sneek Peek For Free - At this stage of the game, it's hard to even keep the guys' names straight, let alone make any predictions, but let's take a look at our lineup and decide who earned our first impression rose tonight ...

Watch Online The Bachelorette S07E01 Season 7 Episode 1 Sneek Peek For Free - After some typically pensive jogging, interpretive dancing and gazing longingly out of a window, Ashley pepped herself up enough to slap on a sparkly dress and meet her potential soulmates -- not a hard gig, if you can get it. Anything is preferable to another 'Rocky' homage -- poor Philadelphia must rue the day Sly Stallone first jogged up those steps.

Watch Online The Bachelorette S07E01 Season 7 Episode 1 Sneek Peek For Free - The first guy we met in the introduction videos was also No. 1 out of the limo, and it's no wonder that dreamy Ryan P. scored Ashley's first impression rose. I could go on about his sunny disposition and beaming smile, but he made enough solar puns for all of us. Still, it's nice to see a guy who's environmentally conscious, seemingly genuine and undeniably attractive -- marry him, Ashley! Oh, wait, there are 24 more? Sigh.

Other hotties guys who made a good first impression (on me, anyway): Preppy William from Columbus, Ohio. His intro video overplayed his bad luck with an umbrella a little too much, but the man is certified cute. He's apparently the "stepping stone" that women date before finding their soulmate, but he seemed sweet, and showed a little more depth when he revealed that he wears a watch that supposedly stopped at the exact time that his alcoholic father died. He kept the sob story to himself with Ashley, though, and charmed her by calling himself "just" a salesman, before demonstrating his Sean Connery impersonation skills.

Another potential dreamboat was Ben C., who not only possessed a certain je ne sais quoi in his introduction to Ashley (he's the dude who spoke French, duh), but also made the genius decision to lift a scene right out of 'Love Actually,' the perennial chick-flick favorite, by grabbing Ashley's attention at the window with hand-written cards tempting her to come outside and talk to him. FYI: Stealing tricks from any Colin Firth movie is a surefire way to get a girl's attention, fellas.

Our blushing Bachelorette also had some definite chemistry with pink-shirted JP, the construction manager whose boss calls him "cupcake" -- she wanted to steal his nickname, but there was still a little flirtation going down.

Watch Online The Bachelorette S07E01 Season 7 Episode 1 Sneek Peek For Free - It wouldn't be 'The Bachelorette' without a few crazies: First, we had Jeff, the masked man of mystery whose brave decision to obscure his face gave the producers all the justification they needed to whip out the ominous, "almost-exactly-'Phantom of the Opera'-but-just-different-enough-to-avoid-paying-royalties" music every time he was on screen, which was amusing. He's obviously been taking dating tips from NBC's 'The Voice' -- anyone would think that 'The Bachelorette' is just a shallow excuse for opportunistic fame-mongers to grab the spotlight, or something!

Watch Online The Bachelorette S07E01 Season 7 Episode 1 Sneek Peek For Free - And then there was Tim. Poor, tragic Tim. He made an awkward entrance by basically going mute as soon as he met Ashley, then developed a rapid and baffling vendetta against Jeff -- complete with swearing, a brief pillow fight and a bizarre invitation to dance -- before he proceeded to get totally drunk, slur incoherently at Ashley and fall asleep outside, whereupon he started snoring loud enough to wake the dead. A word to any potential 'Bachelor/ette' contestants: Getting hammered on the first date and needing three of your potential soulmate's other suitors to drag your boozy butt to the car? Not a ringing endorsement of your eligibility. I wonder if he was chugging winemaker Benjamin's special bottle for Ashley while our backs were turned?

source: Follow Laura on Twitter: @LauinLA
Laura Prudom, http://www.tvsquad.com/2011/05/24/the-bachelorette-season-7-episode-1-season-premiere-recap/

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