Watch Full Episode Pokemon Best Wishes Episode 28 Online For Free. The animated series Pokemon Best Wishes! fans wherever you are, below is a story and video of the anime series Pokemon Best Wishes! Episode 28. Hopefully you all entertained..
Pokemon Best Wishes! Synopsis
As with both the Advanced Generation and Diamond & Pearl series before it, the Best Wishes! series begins with only Ash Ketchum, headed off to the Unova region, located far away from Kanto, Johto, Hoenn and Sinnoh, with his Pikachu. After he meets up with the new trainer and rival Trip and the region’s Professor Juniper, he gains traveling companions in Iris, a girl from a town known for its Dragon Pokémon, and Dent, Pokémon Sommelier and the Grass Pokémon specialist of the three San’yō City Gym Leaders.Video for Pokemon Best Wishes! Episode 28