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Free Download and Watch Full Lenght of Gone With the Wind

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Synopsis of Gone With the Wind

Free Download and Watch Full Lenght of Gone With the Wind : Gone With the Wind boils down to a story about a spoiled Southern girl's hopeless love for a married man. Producer David O. Selznick
managed to expand this concept, and Margaret Mitchell's best-selling novel, into nearly four hours' worth of screen time, on a then-astronomical 3.7-million-dollar budget, creating what would become one of the most beloved movies of all time.  
Free Download and Watch Full Lenght of Gone With the Wind : Gone With the Wind opens in April of 1861, at the palatial Southern estate of Tara, where Scarlett O'Hara (Vivien Leigh) hears that her casual beau Ashley Wilkes (Leslie Howard) plans to marry "mealy mouthed" Melanie Hamilton (Olivia de Havilland). Despite warnings from her father (Thomas Mitchell) and her faithful servant Mammy (Hattie McDaniel), Scarlett intends to throw herself at Ashley at an upcoming barbecue at Twelve Oaks. 
Free Download and Watch Full Lenght of Gone With the Wind : Alone with Ashley, she goes into a fit of histrionics, all of which is witnessed by roguish Rhett Butler (Clark Gable), the black sheep of a wealthy Charleston family, who is instantly fascinated by the feisty, thoroughly self-centered Scarlett: "We're bad lots, both of us." The movie's famous action continues from the burning of Atlanta (actually the destruction of a huge wall left over from King Kong) through the now-classic closing line, "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn."
Free Download and Watch Full Lenght of Gone With the Wind : Holding its own against stiff competition (many consider 1939 to be the greatest year of the classical Hollywood studios), Gone With the Wind won ten Academy Awards, including Best Picture, Best Director, Best Screenplay, Best Actress (Vivien Leigh), and Best Supporting Actress (Hattie McDaniel, the first African-American to win an Oscar). The film grossed nearly 192 million dollars, assuring that, just as he predicted, Selznick's epitaph would be "The Man Who Made Gone With the Wind." 
Complete Cast of Gone With the Wind

    * Clark Gable - Rhett Butler
    * Leslie Howard - Ashley Wilkes
    * Hattie McDaniel - Mammy
    * Marjorie Reynolds - Guest at Twelve Oaks (uncredited)
    * Frank Coghlan, Jr. - A collapsing Soldier (uncredited)
    * Guy Wilkerson - Wounded card player (uncredited)
    * William Stack - Minister [Georgia After Sherman]
    * Harry Strang - Tom's Aide (uncredited)
    * James Bush - Gentleman [At Twelve Oaks]
    * Trevor Bardette - [During Reconstruction]
    * Si Jenks - Yankee on Street [During Reconstruction]
    * Lester Dorr - [During Reconstruction]
    * Thomas Mitchell - Gerald O'Hara
    * Barbara O'Neil - Ellen, his wife
    * Victor Jory - Jonas Wilkerson
    * George Reeves - Stuart Tarleton
    * Butterfly McQueen - Prissy
    * Alicia Rhett - India, his daughter
    * Zack Williams - Elijah
    * Carroll Nye - Frank Kennedy
    * Laura Hope Crewes - Aunt "Pittypat" Hamilton
    * Leona Roberts - Mrs. Caroline Meade
    * Alberto Morin - René Picard
    * Terry Shero - Fanny Elsing
    * Jackie Moran - Phil Meade
    * Ona Munson - Belle Watling
    * George Hackathorne - A wounded Soldier in pain (uncredited)
    * John Arledge - A Dying Soldier
    * Tom Tyler - A Commanding Officer
    * Lee Phelps - The Bartender
    * Ernest Whitman - Carpetbagger's Friend [Georgia After Sherman]
    * Louis Jean Heydt - A Hungry Soldier
    * Robert Elliott - Yankee Major [During Reconstruction]
    * Wallis Clark - His Poker-Playing Captains [During Reconstruction]
    * Adrian Morris - A Carpetbagger Orator
    * Olin Howland - Yankee Businessman [During Reconstruction]
    * Blue Washington - The Renegade's Companion [During Reconstruction]
    * Cammie King - Bonnie Blue Butler
    * Lillian Kemble-Cooper - Bonnie's Nurse [During Reconstruction]

    * Vivien Leigh - Scarlett O'Hara
    * Olivia de Havilland - Melanie Hamilton
    * Lee Murray - Drummerboy (uncredited)
    * Frank Faylen - Doctor's Aide (uncredited)
    * Philip Trent - Gentleman, later bearded Confederate on steps at Tara
    * Tom Seidel - Guest
    * Emerson Treacy - [During Reconstruction]
    * John Wray - [During Reconstruction]
    * Ralph Brooks - Gentleman [At Twelve Oaks]
    * Louise Carter - Bandleader's Wife (uncredited)
    * Tommy Kelly - Boy [Outside The Examiner Office]
    * Eddie "Rochester" Anderson - Uncle Peter
    * Oscar Polk - Pork
    * Fred Crane - Brent Tarleton
    * Evelyn Keyes - Suellen O'Hara
    * Ann Rutherford - Careen O'Hara
    * Howard Hickman - John Wilkes [At Twelve Oaks]
    * Everett Brown - Big Sam, the foreman
    * Rand Brooks - Charles Hamilton
    * Marcella Martin - Cathleen Calvert
    * Harry Davenport - Dr. Meade [At The Bazaar In Atlanta]
    * Jane Darwell - Dolly Merriwether [At The Bazaar In Atlanta]
    * Mary Anderson - Maybelle Merriwether
    * William McClain - Old Levi
    * Cliff Edwards - Reminiscent Soldier
    * Eddy Chandler - The Sergeant at the hospital
    * Roscoe Ates - A Convalescent Soldier
    * Eric Linden - An Amputation Case
    * William Bakewell - A Mounted Officer
    * Paul Hurst - The Yankee Deserter
    * William Stelling - Returning Veteran [Georgia After Sherman]
    * Isabel Jewell - Emmy Slattery
    * George Meeker - Poker-Playing Captain
    * Irving Bacon - The Corporal
    * J.M. Kerrigan - Johnny Gallagher [During Reconstruction]
    * Yakima Canutt - A renegade
    * Ward Bond - Tom, a Yankee Captain
    * Mickey Kuhn - Beau Wilkes

Director(s):   Victor Fleming

Writer(s):   Sidney Howard

Producer(s):    David O. Selznick

Theatrical MPAA Rating:   G(Adult Situations)

Categories:   Romance

Gone With the Wind Awards:
    * 1939 - Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences - Best Picture
    * 1998 - American Film Institute - 100 Greatest American Movies
    * 1939 - Film Daily - 10 Best Films
    * 1988 - Library of Congress - U.S. National Film Registry
    * 1940 - National Board of Review - Best Acting
    * 1939 - New York Film Critics Circle - Best Actress
    * 1939 - New York Times - 10 Best Films
    * 1939 - Photoplay - Award

Wat ch Full Length : High Definition

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