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Director Kevin Smith Credits Getting Booted From Flight For Dropping 65 Pounds

Director Kevin Smith Credits Getting Booted From Flight For Dropping 65 Pounds Director Kevin Smith has admitted that getting kicked off of a Southwest Airlines flight last year helped inspire him to lose a hefty 65 pounds.

Director Kevin Smith Credits Getting Booted From Flight For Dropping 65 Pounds Almost a year ago, the "Cop Out" director launched a Twitter tirade against the popular airline chain, after he said they booted him from a flight for being too large for just one seat, something the airline confirmed in a blog on

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The incident sparked a media firestorm, and a host of headlines, and Smith said it led him to slimming down.

Director Kevin Smith Credits Getting Booted From Flight For Dropping 65 Pounds "Because I was heavy-heavier, people were just like.. you know, you're profiled, you look the part," Kevin told Joy Behar on Tuesday's "The Joy Behar Show." "I felt, at that moment, I was like, you know what? I'll lose the weight, but I'm not putting on thinner clothes."

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Happy in his baggy top, the "Mallrats" director told the HLN host he isn't entirely comfortable now that he's smaller.

Director Kevin Smith Credits Getting Booted From Flight For Dropping 65 Pounds "I feel mixed feelings about losing the weight. I sympathize far more with heavier people than I ever will with thin [ones]. I'll never be thin," Kevin said. "Look, Lets be honest, I've lost 65 pounds, but nobody's going I want to sleep with you, they're just like, 'Keep going, you look better.'"
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Director Kevin Smith Credits Getting Booted From Flight For Dropping 65 Pounds This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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