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Securing the Windows System Drive In Windows Explorer

In a PC which is installed inside the Windows operating system, system files and documents located on drive C, maybe your PC is often used by others who may notaben not quite understand his computer, and accidentally delete a file system contained in Windows folder

Sure it can interfere with the performance of our Windows operating system, now to tackle these problems we can secure or protect the C drive that stores Windows system files, so if the user opens the C drive on windows explorer will issue a warning message and drives C could not be opened or displayed, to do so simply copy the script below and paste it in notepad

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ Explorer]
"NoDriveTypeAutoRun" = dword: 00000091
"NoFolderOptions" = dword: 00000000
"NoSharedDocuments" = hex: 01,00,00,00
"ConfirmFileDelete" = dword: 00000001
"NoPropertiesMyComputer" = dword: 00000000
"NoFileUrl" = dword: 00000000
"NoViewOnDrive" = dword: 00000004

Then give it a name eg HideDriveSys.Reg, remember do not forget to select the option when saving files All Files on the "Save As Type", then save it and place it in a folder anywhere you want, then run the file HideDriveSys.Reg that we created earlier, then restart your PC, after restart try running windows explorer and click Drive C, it will be out a warning message that says the drive could not be opened.

To be able to reopen the C drive in Windows Explorer, copy the scrip below, and paste it into notepad, and then run it and restart your PC

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ Explorer]
"NoDriveTypeAutoRun" = dword: 00000091
"NoFolderOptions" =-
"NoSharedDocuments" =-
"ConfirmFileDelete" =-
"NoPropertiesMyComputer" =-
"NoFileUrl" =-
"NoViewOnDrive" =-

Good luck.

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