You have data or confidential files and want to send the file to another person who is entitled to receive files or data, what happens if the file falls into the wrong hands ... wahhh dangerous dong, like in the movies nih.
Perhaps the following ways can help you in securing the data or files that are confidential, so that if falls into the wrong hands you do not need to worry, because the file could not be read or used, let's follow the review
First you must download a tool that is used to encrypt and decrypt data, click here to download it.
Once you download a copy of his file to a folder, for example here I meletakkanya on drive D on the folder you sure, so the paths will be like this D: \ Confident \ EncDec.exe
The above items need to be concerned because we include additional options into the context menu, by modifying the registry, copy the script below
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ * \ shell]
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ * \ shell \ Decrypt]
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ * \ shell \ Decrypt \ Command]
@ = "D: \ \ Confident \ \ EncDec \" / d \ "\"% 1 \ ""
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ * \ shell \ Encrypt]
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ * \ shell \ Encrypt \ Command]
@ = "D: \ \ Confident \ \ EncDec \" / e \ "\"% 1 \ ""
Open notepad, click Edit -> Paste in notepad, note on pink script, you change according to the folder where you store the tools EncDec.exe
Then save it with name encdec.reg, make sure at the time to store them on the options you select Save as type All Files, then click Save
Double-click the file encdec.reg we just created to run the script in it, try opening windows explorer and select a file, then right-click context menu then on there was an additional option that is Encript and Decript, if not already appear try restarting your computer
Well now let's try, here I will try to encrypt a file that I think is the secret, say the name of the file is contained therein Rahasia.txt pin code for my ATM card, say like that then, I do encryption by right-clicking Rahasia.txt files, and select Encript, consider going to create a new file that has been encrypted with the name RahasiaEn.txt you try to open the file, right yah so we can not read it anymore, well now you can send files RahasiaEn. txt file to another person who is entitled to know the information is in the file, remember the file being sent is a file encryption
Well now how to keep people who are entitled to the file can read the files again?
People who would receive it also must have the same tools as you have and do the same steps as we discussed above, then the recipient files stay right click and select the file RahasiaEn.txt Decript, it will create a new file with RahasiaEnDe.txt name, and the file is the result of decryption can be read or at execution
The use is not limited to the text file, you can use it for other files, such as image files, executables, or any other type of file
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Good luck.
Perhaps the following ways can help you in securing the data or files that are confidential, so that if falls into the wrong hands you do not need to worry, because the file could not be read or used, let's follow the review
First you must download a tool that is used to encrypt and decrypt data, click here to download it.
Once you download a copy of his file to a folder, for example here I meletakkanya on drive D on the folder you sure, so the paths will be like this D: \ Confident \ EncDec.exe
The above items need to be concerned because we include additional options into the context menu, by modifying the registry, copy the script below
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ * \ shell]
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ * \ shell \ Decrypt]
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ * \ shell \ Decrypt \ Command]
@ = "D: \ \ Confident \ \ EncDec \" / d \ "\"% 1 \ ""
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ * \ shell \ Encrypt]
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ * \ shell \ Encrypt \ Command]
@ = "D: \ \ Confident \ \ EncDec \" / e \ "\"% 1 \ ""
Open notepad, click Edit -> Paste in notepad, note on pink script, you change according to the folder where you store the tools EncDec.exe
Then save it with name encdec.reg, make sure at the time to store them on the options you select Save as type All Files, then click Save
Double-click the file encdec.reg we just created to run the script in it, try opening windows explorer and select a file, then right-click context menu then on there was an additional option that is Encript and Decript, if not already appear try restarting your computer
Well now let's try, here I will try to encrypt a file that I think is the secret, say the name of the file is contained therein Rahasia.txt pin code for my ATM card, say like that then, I do encryption by right-clicking Rahasia.txt files, and select Encript, consider going to create a new file that has been encrypted with the name RahasiaEn.txt you try to open the file, right yah so we can not read it anymore, well now you can send files RahasiaEn. txt file to another person who is entitled to know the information is in the file, remember the file being sent is a file encryption
Well now how to keep people who are entitled to the file can read the files again?
People who would receive it also must have the same tools as you have and do the same steps as we discussed above, then the recipient files stay right click and select the file RahasiaEn.txt Decript, it will create a new file with RahasiaEnDe.txt name, and the file is the result of decryption can be read or at execution
The use is not limited to the text file, you can use it for other files, such as image files, executables, or any other type of file
If you liked this article, do not forget to comment dong: D
Good luck.