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Mystery Date 26 & Disaster in indonesia

Islands archipelago located in the constellation ring of fire vulnerable to natural disasters. Both earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions.
Because it takes adequate precaution to suppress the least possible number of casualties, due to natural disaster struck as if he had a disposition of this nation. Yet them know you are, a number of natural disasters in the archipelago has similarities from the aspects of the event date.
Just look at Aceh's tsunami disaster that occurred on December 26, 2004, Earthquake Tasikmalaya on 26 June 2010, and the eruption of Mount Merapi on October 26, 2010.
Peranormal Permadi when confirmed belief that nothing is accidental in this world. Each event has been outlined by God Almighty. Therefore, every human being should be wise in dealing with the calamities that befall.
"For me nothing is accidental, all that the will of Gusti Allah," he told Legal in Jakarta on Friday (29/10/2010).
Based on information gathered from Wikipedia, on 26 December 2004, a devastating earthquake in the Indian Ocean, off the western coast of Aceh. The quake occurred at 7:58 pm in 160 kilometers west of Aceh as deep as 10 kilometers. The quake measuring 9.3 on the Richter scale.
The quake triggered a tsunami that caused approximately 230,000 people died in 8 countries. This disaster is the biggest death throughout history. Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India, and Thailand is a country with the largest number of deaths.
Meanwhile, on 26 June 2010 an earthquake measuring 6.3 Richter in Tasikmalaya, West Java at 16:50 pm. Tremors felt up to the capital city of Jakarta. Recent natural disasters that occurred on December 26 is the eruption of Mount Merapi in Yogyakarta. The incident was reported 34 people were killed. 33 in Yogyakarta and a toddler in Magelang

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