First you have trouble downloading the video in YouTube. Tired of waiting for downloads is not finished-finished, you switch to Twitter, and it turns out it was slow. You then turned to email, and my goodness, again the "loading" of his very long.
It all happened when the telephone networks around the world collapsed. Following months, you'll even be very difficult to just call.
It's three years from now, three years into the future destruction of the first mobile telephone network. Welcome to the year 2013!
This assumption is only a worst case scenario, but the total loss of Internet communication network in the near future is very likely to occur.
Cellular networks are already showing signs of stagnation. Your phone suddenly could not be contacted while in the midst of the crowd or on big events such as concerts or sporting events.
And the problem is getting worse from day to day.
The smart phone is a lot of devouring the data, is the source of this problem.
How not incoming network communications through smart phones already exceeds its capacity due to busy to receive and send web pages, email, and video streaming, 24 hours a day without interruption.
If the use of sophisticated devices like it is spreading, then selpon networks around the world will halt altogether in 2013.
This occurs because the core services of this type of communication depending on wireless communications. The result is destruction.
The only solution to overcome it is to examine again how communication delivered car.
U.S. and European governments are currently set pieces (chunks) 5 Megahertz spectrum of electromagnetic waves per network per operator, which is used in the transmitter-transmitter operator them.
Pieces of this electromagnetic wave spectrum associated with receiving and sending data path through the transmitter.
Too dense
Like the highways, communication lines just to avoid freeway traffic is too dense.
3G technology today can transmit data 1 bit per second per 1 Hertz wave spectrum of pieces owned by each operator.
That means, BTSs, which uses a pair of 5 MHz piece of spectrum can transmit only 6 megabytes of data per second.
Breakdown of cellular networks can not be predicted a decade ago when 3G networks not yet created.
At that time, users of smart phones is just the corporate executives through their BlackBerry, and 3G networks are not much used by them.
Now it does not happen again. Wireless modems, mempersibuk data traffic since it was introduced five years ago.
Then in 2007, Apple launched the iPhone, which has already sold 50 million units.
Suddenly, new faces milling about through the mobile communication traffic, and it robs the body of existing kamunikasi path.
For example, a video streaming will confiscate "bandwidth" used for 100 calls.
As a result, the 3G is now becoming too dense, especially in big cities where many people use smart phones. And now that mobile phone operators will be swamped by a wave of complaints from customers.
Such congestion is likely to become commonplace, following the increasing use of smart phones.
In America alone, more than 1.5 million iPhones 4 - the latest version of Apple's smart phone products - sold out on its maiden launch last June. While the mobile-phone-based Android made by Google, the more popular people.
Following the growing number of users of smart phones, car traffic will double each year over the next four years, according to predictive computer company Cisco.
That means that when congestion occurs only occasionally, will completely halt altogether in the future, especially in crowd-such a large crowd at the event in Olympic sporting events.
Additional Line
In the past, mobile phone companies to use innovative tech to boost capacity.
By taking the leap from 2G to 3G for example, the technicians will be able to compress the 5 to 10 times more bits per second for each one Hertz spectrum of electromagnetic waves, said Simon Saunders from Real Wireless, UK.
That means more direct data traffic mempersibuk telecommunications.
Many phone operators are now optimistic that the options for overcoming it is to widen the network band (bandwidth).
"If the number of vehicles on highways increased by four times without any additional line then everything will slow down," said Christopher Guttman-McCabe, vice president of CTIA - The Wireless Association, Washington DC, making analagi.
Therefore, according to Christopher, "We need a lot of additional lanes."
In this way, the pieces of the wave 5 MHz spectrum used mobile phone operators on their transmitters are transmitters, must be diverted.
But before this is done, the government must first persuade mobile operators to utilize pathways that have not been fully used.
This is because most of the wave spectrum 400 MHz and 3 GHz has been used by the military, television stations, and satellite communications.
So now is the time to negotiate the division "bandwidth" such as changing an analog system in the making of the video on television, to switch to digital technology.
U.S. and British military are using a broad wave spectrum, wave spectrum must share control of it.
In the U.S. alone, the Government Communications Commission, agrees this recommendation by stating piece wave 500 MHz is currently dominated exclusively by the military, to be open also for mobile users.
While the British communications authority, Ofcom, plans to reallocate nearly 300 MHz for a cellular network.
Unfortunately, reform of the network band had to wait one to ten years.
But if any additional spectrum that is given now, then it is definitely a smart phone users are ready to eat it with gusto.
"Even if you doubled the waves are available, you still will face a problem in beberapan years later. The request was not ever get enough of," said Stirling Essex of CRFS, a British communications company.
David Cleevely, British wireless communications expert, bear this out by using the analogy of economic law. "These economists teach that when it all made free then people will race to use it a lot."
Cleevely states telekomunikasilah operators who have to discipline ourselves.
One of the U.S. telecommunications company, AT & T to offer Internet access to iPhone users, agreed to this proposal.
Last June, in order mendisiplikan users and willingness to uphold its responsibilities towards the network, the company announced the new price of internet access via the iPhone, one each for 200 megabytes and 2gigabyte package at 15 and 25 dollars.
This step is not detrimental to the majority of iPhone users, because in a way that customers can also save money.
Also in this way, AT & T informed its customers that they are not always able to access the data without limit, with prices as cheap-cheap.
There are still other ways that are inexpensive but extensive, that is to install transmitters in your home or office phone.
Transmitters are transmitters that became a kind of wireless router and added to a fixed broadband connection can provide service even beyond.
It all happened when the telephone networks around the world collapsed. Following months, you'll even be very difficult to just call.
It's three years from now, three years into the future destruction of the first mobile telephone network. Welcome to the year 2013!
This assumption is only a worst case scenario, but the total loss of Internet communication network in the near future is very likely to occur.
Cellular networks are already showing signs of stagnation. Your phone suddenly could not be contacted while in the midst of the crowd or on big events such as concerts or sporting events.
And the problem is getting worse from day to day.
The smart phone is a lot of devouring the data, is the source of this problem.
How not incoming network communications through smart phones already exceeds its capacity due to busy to receive and send web pages, email, and video streaming, 24 hours a day without interruption.
If the use of sophisticated devices like it is spreading, then selpon networks around the world will halt altogether in 2013.
This occurs because the core services of this type of communication depending on wireless communications. The result is destruction.
The only solution to overcome it is to examine again how communication delivered car.
U.S. and European governments are currently set pieces (chunks) 5 Megahertz spectrum of electromagnetic waves per network per operator, which is used in the transmitter-transmitter operator them.
Pieces of this electromagnetic wave spectrum associated with receiving and sending data path through the transmitter.
Too dense
Like the highways, communication lines just to avoid freeway traffic is too dense.
3G technology today can transmit data 1 bit per second per 1 Hertz wave spectrum of pieces owned by each operator.
That means, BTSs, which uses a pair of 5 MHz piece of spectrum can transmit only 6 megabytes of data per second.
Breakdown of cellular networks can not be predicted a decade ago when 3G networks not yet created.
At that time, users of smart phones is just the corporate executives through their BlackBerry, and 3G networks are not much used by them.
Now it does not happen again. Wireless modems, mempersibuk data traffic since it was introduced five years ago.
Then in 2007, Apple launched the iPhone, which has already sold 50 million units.
Suddenly, new faces milling about through the mobile communication traffic, and it robs the body of existing kamunikasi path.
For example, a video streaming will confiscate "bandwidth" used for 100 calls.
As a result, the 3G is now becoming too dense, especially in big cities where many people use smart phones. And now that mobile phone operators will be swamped by a wave of complaints from customers.
Such congestion is likely to become commonplace, following the increasing use of smart phones.
In America alone, more than 1.5 million iPhones 4 - the latest version of Apple's smart phone products - sold out on its maiden launch last June. While the mobile-phone-based Android made by Google, the more popular people.
Following the growing number of users of smart phones, car traffic will double each year over the next four years, according to predictive computer company Cisco.
That means that when congestion occurs only occasionally, will completely halt altogether in the future, especially in crowd-such a large crowd at the event in Olympic sporting events.
Additional Line
In the past, mobile phone companies to use innovative tech to boost capacity.
By taking the leap from 2G to 3G for example, the technicians will be able to compress the 5 to 10 times more bits per second for each one Hertz spectrum of electromagnetic waves, said Simon Saunders from Real Wireless, UK.
That means more direct data traffic mempersibuk telecommunications.
Many phone operators are now optimistic that the options for overcoming it is to widen the network band (bandwidth).
"If the number of vehicles on highways increased by four times without any additional line then everything will slow down," said Christopher Guttman-McCabe, vice president of CTIA - The Wireless Association, Washington DC, making analagi.
Therefore, according to Christopher, "We need a lot of additional lanes."
In this way, the pieces of the wave 5 MHz spectrum used mobile phone operators on their transmitters are transmitters, must be diverted.
But before this is done, the government must first persuade mobile operators to utilize pathways that have not been fully used.
This is because most of the wave spectrum 400 MHz and 3 GHz has been used by the military, television stations, and satellite communications.
So now is the time to negotiate the division "bandwidth" such as changing an analog system in the making of the video on television, to switch to digital technology.
U.S. and British military are using a broad wave spectrum, wave spectrum must share control of it.
In the U.S. alone, the Government Communications Commission, agrees this recommendation by stating piece wave 500 MHz is currently dominated exclusively by the military, to be open also for mobile users.
While the British communications authority, Ofcom, plans to reallocate nearly 300 MHz for a cellular network.
Unfortunately, reform of the network band had to wait one to ten years.
But if any additional spectrum that is given now, then it is definitely a smart phone users are ready to eat it with gusto.
"Even if you doubled the waves are available, you still will face a problem in beberapan years later. The request was not ever get enough of," said Stirling Essex of CRFS, a British communications company.
David Cleevely, British wireless communications expert, bear this out by using the analogy of economic law. "These economists teach that when it all made free then people will race to use it a lot."
Cleevely states telekomunikasilah operators who have to discipline ourselves.
One of the U.S. telecommunications company, AT & T to offer Internet access to iPhone users, agreed to this proposal.
Last June, in order mendisiplikan users and willingness to uphold its responsibilities towards the network, the company announced the new price of internet access via the iPhone, one each for 200 megabytes and 2gigabyte package at 15 and 25 dollars.
This step is not detrimental to the majority of iPhone users, because in a way that customers can also save money.
Also in this way, AT & T informed its customers that they are not always able to access the data without limit, with prices as cheap-cheap.
There are still other ways that are inexpensive but extensive, that is to install transmitters in your home or office phone.
Transmitters are transmitters that became a kind of wireless router and added to a fixed broadband connection can provide service even beyond.