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IGOS Archipelago 2010 (IGN2010) final version has been available

IGOS Archipelago 2010 (IGN2010) final version has been available. Since it first launched the first version IGN2006 (Release 1), the version of 2010 is the fifth version (release 5). IGN2010 R5-Final is available as a LiveCD, installer DVD version will also soon be launched. Users can boot from the LiveCD or from IGN2010 IGN2010 LiveUSB. When the desktop appears, the user can then perform the installation to the hard disk.

 R5-Final LiveCD IGN2010 been successfully tested on various PCs, Notebooks and Virtual Machine (VirtualBox). Some of the deficiencies that exist in IGN2009 been fixed. Increasing hardware detection, including detection of USB wifi, GSM Modem, CDMA Modem, printers and more.

R5-Final LiveCD IGN2010 FEATURES
Various GNOME configuration has been adjusted in order to look better and easier for users. Features full as follows:
  1. Translation to Indonesian getting better and increasing in number.
  2. Thousands of applications have been recompiled. Available at reposotori [1]
  3. Emulation various programs / applications that ordinary street in Windows can be fitted into IGN2010 using Wine 1.2.0. Applications for Windows that has been successfully implemented in RC2 IGN2010 include: Firefox 4.0 Beta1, Flashget 1.9, Editplus, Internet Download Manager 5.19, The Bat, Microsoft Office Viewer 2003, Fastone Image Viewer and Yahoo Messenger
  4. There are ten themes (theme) with a wide selection of wallpaper, icons, and a variety of color panels [2]
  5. GNOME Terminal Transparent Display
  6. Desktop Effects: There are three types namely Standard, Compiz, Shell
  7. Ubag Resapplet to rapidly screen resolution
  8. Some additional packages [3] successfully installed on the LiveCD IGN2010 include: Opera Browser, Google Chrome, Chromium, Google Earth and MultiGet.
  9. Available shortcut: Please test by pressing the Windows key (super key) on keyboard plus another button:
    1. super key + e to run the File Browser (nautilus)
    2. super key + d to bring up the desktop
    3. super key + f to search
    4. super key  + x to run GNOME Terminal
IGN2010 LiveCD Applications / packages
IGN2010 LiveCD using kernel, GNOME 2.30.1 desktop, and a variety of applications, among others:
  1. Firefox 3.6.7 plus extension
  2. OpenOffice 3.2.1
  3. Thunderbird 3.1
  4. Evolution 2.30
  5. Gutenprint (printer driver )
  6. Foomatic (printer driver)
  7. xsane
  8. liveusb-creator
  9. gcalctool
  10. GNOME Mplayer
  11. XMMS + skins
  12. wine 1.2
  13. wine-gecko
  14. Gnome shell
  15. Compiz
  16. GIMP 2.6.10
  17. Inkscape 0.48
  18. Blender 2.49bn
  19. gthumb
  20. gKamus
  21. Gnote
  22. Gedit
  23. Font manager
  24. GParted
  25. Disk Utility
  26. Gnomebaker
  27. Empathy IM Client
  28. Cheese untuk webcam
  29. CHM viewer
  30. Gnome Commander
Please download the LiveCD ISO image IGN2010 [4], combustion (burning) and then test and / or installed on a PC, Notebook or Netbook. In addition to burning the ISO image can also be inserted into the USB Flash Disk, so be IGN2010 LiveUSB. How to make LiveUSB is on IGNwiki [5].
Display the boot menu
Desktop display
Views IGN2010 use winrar in Wine
GNOME Display Shell
3D Display
3D view seen from above
Views screensavers
Links:[1] Repository
[2] ign-theme
[3] Additional Packages
[4] IGN2010 R5-Final LiveCD
[5] How to make the same LiveUSB IGN2010 IGN2009 LiveUSB

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