There are only two ways to install OSX 10.4.6 legally on your Windows computer:
1. Become an Apple developer
2. You can also buy an Intel Mac (I would recommend the Macbook Pro), install Windows XP on it using Apple’s Boot Camp and remove OSX completely, so that you have a legally bought osx86 licence.
This method isn’t confirmed and some most people also contend that it’s illegal because the EULA says that you aren’t allowed to install OSX on non-Apple hardware.
This means that for most people it is ILLEGAL to install OSX on their computer. If you aren’t an Apple developer, leave this page or site now. ixibo is in no way liable or responsible for the actions of its visitors.( we have posted this information just for Apple Developers and for education purpose only)
That Shit being said now all you need:
1. A pre-patched OSX 10.4.6 install image
2. An empty DVD Recordable (+R or –R, NO Rewritable!)
3. At least 6 GB free space.
4. spfdisk (which you can download here Acronis Disk Director Suite