Although not yet known exactly when Android Gingerbread will be launched, but related news features that will be included in Android 2.3 continues to burst. Through the Web 2.0 arena, Gingerbread rumored that Android will ship with a pinning technology 'mobile payment'.
This information is quoted PULSAonline via PCWorld, where the latter it injected 2.3 Android phone chip NFC (near field communication). As already known, the NFC is a short-range wireless communication technology of high-frequency, which allows the exchange of data between devices at a distance of about 10 cm.
Now, with embedded NFC chips can be used by Android users to pay for groceries without having to remove items credit card. This can be done with technology "bump", which is embedded with NFC chips.
In fact, the Google said that technology "bump" can be used for various applications and functions, which allows users to physically do the "bump" their phones to other phones. For example, to access information or data transfer.